☾ Alternative Indigo ✰

Glamour kills. Stay weird.

Apr 18, 2015

DIY Kitty Teepee

Alright. Two things I love, cats & crafts. So I bring to you a little DIY kitty teepee that I made for my sweet kidden Twiggy. For those of you that don't know twiggy is an Exotic Persian cat! She's the sweetest funniest little creature and we adopted her from her old family when she was 8 months old because her family didn't have the time she needed! So we have been smothering her with attention and she's been the cutest little thing back! 

So here's what you'll need: 
> >> A cute kitty 
< << Hot Glue Gun 
> >> 3-4 sticks (I origionally bought some from the craft store but I cut them too short, so I had to go find some around the house, so don't cut yours too short!)
< << Pipe Cleaner
> >> Rope 
< << Vintage mini quilt/fabric 
> >> Faux Fur Rug
< << Metal Ring For Extra Support (I didn't end up using the one I bought)

1 > >>Make sure your little lover is here to help and participate and sniff all your supplies. 
2 > >>Plug your hot glue gun in and cut your sticks to a length that your cat will be comfortable going in and out of! Try mock setting it up first to make sure you don't cut them too short. 
3 > >>After cutting the sticks to your desired length, use some string or a pipe-cleaner and and secure sticks! You can also use hot glue in the holes and gaps of the sticks to make sure it's super sturdy for your little! 

> >>See Reference<< <

4 > >>Make sure to take lots of pictures of your kitty having the time of her life because she knows this craft is all for her.
> >>Now you can see the sticks that I had to find in my yard! I made sure they were all the same length and straight without pokeys on them! After I secure the sticks with hot glue and pipe-cleaners I wrapped this rope around the top to add a more finished look<< <
5> >> Place your blanket or fabric of choice around the sticks. I just used a safety pin to secure mine right at the top under the rope.
> >>Place a faux rug (or a blanket) on the inside of the teepee and let your kitty sleep in her new little place.

Twiggy was a little hesitant about this new creation in our house at first, then she loved it. I come home from work all the time and she's just cuddled up in there! If you guys make a kitty teepee be sure to tag me on instagram! I'd love to see!

Alternative indigo



  1. That last picture of her curled up in there with the succulent....SO perfect. Love!!!

  2. That last picture of her curled up in there with the succulent....SO perfect. Love!!!


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