Hello! What the heck happened to our decent weather for like 5 days
in Utah? It's been cold as crud and I'm getting real sick of it.
Anyways...This week we get to go to Michigan!! I'm so excited it's
always so fun to travel with my babe. We fly out Wednesday night, I can hardly
wait! But today's post is a super-cute comfy one. I always love wearing things
like this when I run errands or when I just want a comfy cute effortless
look. I am totally loving all the fruit and little graphics being all over the
place that are trending right now! It's fun, cute and unique!
For years mixing patterns has been a huge NO NO. But it's totally okay now
to do it! I mixed prints and tie dye in my post today and it doesn't clash at all!
As long as the patterns have the same colors in them you can literally
mix anything. Which is so GREAT. And top-knots are my best friend!
Top-knots seemed to come super super in and then slowly became a little
less popular. But they're so effortless and take five minutes!
I played up my plain top knot by throwing on this super cute head band I found!
It's the coolest head band ever too because it has a little wire in it so you just
wrap it around your head and twist it. AWESOME for us people
that don't know how to tie a cute knot. AND THESE SUNNIES. Please, I can't.
If you don't have a pair of 'blast from the past' sunnies, you need to get on that
stat. Thanks for lookin' babes. xx.
And these shorts.... So I'm a super cheapo when it comes to covering my legs.
I wanted a pair of crop shorts that did show my 'you know' when I bent over,
but that I could also roll up and down. So I found a pair of $10.00
jeans at Cotton On and cut them up with a steak knife.
Try it. It works. You'll like it.
Shirt: Forever21 (in stores)
Shorts: Cotton On (see description above)
Shoes: Converse
Head band: Forever21
Sunnies: Forever21
Lip Stick: Mac Pink Nouveau
Photography: Roxana B. Photography
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