☾ Alternative Indigo ✰

Glamour kills. Stay weird.

Jan 31, 2018


Wow! It's been a while since my last blog post. I mean what can I say, LIFE has been happening. Whether I like it or not, this blog has kind of been on the back burner as of late. And that's totally okay. So let me preface this post by saying, working out as a mom has been soooo hard. Like way way harder than I ever imagined? Why? I'm tired. I'm defeated. It's literally the last thing I want to do most days. But I quickly remind myself, that my days are better when I work out. I feel happier, my endorphins are going, I feel more confident, working out is GOOD. And I need to take care of myself first, to best care for Billie. 

Pictures by the oh so lovely Roxana B. Photography


So, 2018. New year new you right? Haha, well at-least we're all putting our best foot forward. Every year we take an annual spring break trip out to Florida in March. So really, the pressure is on to get that bikini bod going every year. And every single year I find myself in the same situation, a month away from our trip, no where near where I thought I'd be. HAHA WHATEVER. I'll be the first to say I'm so far near perfect when it comes to dieting, exercise. BUT I'M TRYING. I really am. The other night, Billie was teething all day, I felt so tired, I was in a shit mood, all I wanted was sugar (haven't had it since the new year) so I got myself so damn sugar. And lots of it. I had an entire package of Bon Bons (circa of early 2000's) and some Little Debbie heart shaped pink pastries. SO SUE ME. But legit my stomach hurt so bad the entire night, like I'm talking irritable bowl syndrome without the bowl movements happening. Destroyed me.

Anyways, long story short. I want to be confident this year and even more importantly than that, I just want to feel super healthy. And I know that Bon Bons and Little Debbie's don't make me feel good. I've been working hard on listening to my body. Fueling it with the nutrients it needs to sustain not only me and my busy mom lifestyle, but my sweet babe Billie. I've learned so much about my body's needs and wants through nursing. It's crazy how much what I eat and drink effects my supply. (I'm one of them, yipppeee)

I recently connected with Tori McKinney. She's an ASU exercise and wellness personal trainer and a boss babe at that. She whipped up some really great workout plans that I can do from home, as well as the gym. I've been doing them for the past 3 weeks and I already feel stronger! And dare I say more toned? I like to do workouts at home, but I love that I can go and escape for an hour at the gym too. Sometimes, that doesn't always workout with the babe. So I do my best to commit to working out daily (again doesn't always happen) either from home or at the gym. I find that if I set a goal to workout before lunch, I almost always do it! 

Definitely recommend connecting with her if you're feeling like you just don't know where to start - or need some extra motivation or customized plans for yourself. Another thing I've found is that I hold myself way more accountable when working with a personal trainer. I'll be sharing a video on one of the workouts she wrote for me so you can kind of get a vibe for what it's like! 

Also, before we leave lets chat about this super super cute set from Albion! Like if I had this in a million colors I would actually workout everyday. Really though, it's amazing what treating yourself to a nice outfit for working out does. It makes me feel more motivated. I know it seems so posh... don't tell me I'm alone on this! 



  1. You look so good sis! Also I want this workout outfit sooooo bad! I'm obsessed.

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    I recently connected with Tori McKinney. She's an ASU exercise and wellness personal trainer and a boss babe at that. She whipped up some really great workout plans that I can do from home, as well as the gym. I've been doing them for the past 3 weeks and I already feel stronger! And dare I say more toned? I like to do workouts at home, but I love that I can go and escape for an hour at the gym too. Sometimes, that doesn't always workout with the babe. So I do my best to commit to working out daily (again doesn't always happen) either from home or at the gym. I find that if I set a goal to workout before lunch, I almost always do it!


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