/ 1 / The Milk Maid - Part your hair down the middle - Braid 2 normal braids - Fasten with elastic - Bobby pin each braid at the top of your head.
/ 2 / The Half Top-Knot - Because who even wears full top knots anymore?? Part hair in half like you would for a half pony tail - Secure with elastic - Twist hair all the way to the end of the strands - Wrap around to make a knot form - Secure with an elastic.
/ 3 / The Side Pony - The 90's will never die. Simply secure a pony loosely on the side of your head - Not too high, not too low - Fluff pony with fingers and spray with hair spray to create messy look.
/ 4 / Low Buns - Part hair down the middle - Secure two loose pig tails - Before pulling hair all the way through tuck under to a loose bun - Throw on a snap back for an extra chill look.
/ 5 / Miley Cyrus Made Me Do It - She's fabulous whether you hate her or not - Part hair down the middle -Secure two pig tails near the nape of your neck - Twist hair to the ends of the strands - Wrap hair to create a knot - Secure ends with another pony tail.
/ 6 / Undone Braid - Secure a high loose messy pony near the top of your head - Braid the pony tail in a normal braid - Before securing an elastic at the end of the braid pull each section of the braid so it becomes more full and messy - Secure pony tail at the end of the braid - Pull out some front pieces for a more messy look.
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